The Todd Herman Show

A Chinese Comic Mocks the CCP, but his joke also mock the FigureHead Biden and the people who run him Episode 859



A Chinese Comic Mocks the CCP . . . but, his joke also mock the FigureHead Biden and the people who run him.A Chinese comedian who calls himself Uncle Roger has a hilarious clip going around the socials. In it, he cleverly mocks the Dictator of China. As I watched his performance, I got a creepy feeling; save the parts about physically disappearing people--D.C. just puts political prisoners in jail--he could just as well be mocking what The Party has made of America for the time being. Targeting as terrorists media sources which don’t bow to The Party? ✓Forcing government employees like firefighters to mime the words of The Party? ✓Enforcing state-truths that are obvious lies? ✓Officially removing debate from society? ✓ Exporting state propaganda around the world with government money? ✓Using tech tools and social credit scores to blacklist independent media voices? ✓What does God’s Word say? We are to follow the law of our land . . . right up until that law of the land violates the Word of God. Acts 5:29 “Bu