We're Not Wizards, Tabletop And Board Games Podcast

Save Snowball - Decking Awesome Games Podcast



Joined once again by Eoin Costelloe and Ciara Costelloe, but not Brian.  We chat about their latest escape room type puzzle game coming to Kickstarter extremely soon, as well as some general chat about pivoting your skills when the world is in lockdown, and why manufacturing has a long way to go to step out of China's shadow. It's great to catch up with them again and I hope you enjoy the episode.  Links of Note. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/deckingawesomegames/save-snowball https://www.facebook.com/deckingawesomegames https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRSx_oSy6Q1WR5R-i-VOXqg https://www.instagram.com/decking.awesome.games/ https://dag.irish     ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you would like to support us then please visit and interact with the links below.  Please give us a rating or review on your podcast catcher of choice.  Also, please let someone else know about our show, as recommendations are wonderful things. OUR LINKS OF NOTE