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The Simple Art Of Subtracting To Get More Fulfillment Out Of Life | Leidy Klotz



In today’s episode, we cover the science of subtraction with Leidy Klotz. Leidy studies the science of design, his research has appeared in both Nature and Science, and his book, Subtract: The Untapped Science of Less, was ranked as one of the most influential titles in the fields of design and behavioral science. As humans, we gravitate toward acquiring things and activities to add value to our lives, but many times we can add value to our lives by removing things from it—why is our biology working against us, how can you determine what to subtract from your life, and how do you get your family, friends, and coworkers on board? What to Listen For Introduction – 0:00 How can you make your life more fulfilling by removing things from your life? Why does our biology prime us to add things to our life even if those things don’t enrich our lives? Reduce Distractions to Increase Fulfillment – 16:28 What questions can you ask to determine what you should remove from your life to improve your life? What