Axe Of The Blood God: Usgamer's Official Rpg Podcast

What Makes a Good Character Creator?



Welcome back to Axe of the Blood God. Kat is not here for this week's episode because she headed out for San Diego Comic Con, a known slaughtering ground where Harry Potter cosplayers will take out your eye with their wands before you can even say "something something Patronus." No fear: Our good friends Ash Parrish and Kenneth Shepard are here to fill in the gap. We're talking all about character creators, from the basic three-choice templates to Baldur Gate 3's dong-and-dumplings slider. (which Kenneth has already lovingly handled.) Do you prefer building a character from the ground-up, or stepping into the boots of an established adventurer? Chime in! Also in this Episode: "Look, Smithers! Globro is coming!" Might & Magic: Clash of Heroes still rules Pikachu knows when you fart in your sleep The Empire Strikes Back this week on The Legend of Korra Being born is for suckers Timestamps: 00:00 - Intro and Main Quest (Character Creators) 47:20 - Random Encounters 49:13 - The Tavern (Thoughts about Vi