Axe Of The Blood God: Usgamer's Official Rpg Podcast

Mega Man X: Command Mission w/ David Oxford and Steve Watts



Plan ahead for the fall and pick up a new scarf because it's Nadia's time to shine with an episode all about Mega Man's OTHER foray into the world of RPGs, Mega Man X: Command Mission. Timelines get twisted, fan-favourite characters show up and then are never heard from again, and poor X and friends get Randam Hajile'd! Also in this Episode: - Nadia and David discuss writing the official Maverick Hunter Field Guide - Everyone agrees Absolute Zero and Iron Maiden are great designs - Nadia reflects on her life choices Timestamps: 56:53 - Random Encounters 1:01:20 - The Tavern 1:11:23 - Nostalgia Nook Music Used in this Episode: Cheerful Thief Marino - [Mega Man X: Command Mission] Do Your Best! - [Breath of Fire III] Irregular Battle 2 - [Mega Man X: Command Mission] A Curious Tale - [Secret of Mana] Trajectory of Battle - [Mega Man X: Command Mission] Learn more about your ad choices. Visit