Sips, Suds, & Smokes

Feel warm at that price



Feel warm at that price@jollypumpkin @WestbrookBeer @Boulevard_Beer @YeeHawBrewing @BraxtonBrewCo @3floyds @SamuelAdamsBeer @AveryBrewingCo @samsmithsbeer @BlackAbbeyBrew #beer #craftbeer Co hosts : Good ol Boy Caperton, Good ol Boy Kendall, Good ol Gal Julieanna, and Good ol Boy DaveSUDS  Episode – Another episode in our price point series featuring Winter Warmer style beers. A wide variety of winter releases and not all of that dark sticky clove laden style. Don’t get lost after hearing our discussion of balls out, the top, and the bottom. We taste and rate the following Winter Warmer beers from 1-5:TOP 5Noel de Calabaza Special Ale aged in oak barrels 9% ABV Jolly Pumpkin Artisan AlesDexter, MI $12.99   of note, it was blend 12 bottled 11-06-2012.  In 2014 it was $12.99 for the bomber.  $.48/oz  SUDS-5Santa Claw Hazy Holiday IPA 7% ABV Westbrook Brewing Company Mt Pleasant, SC              16 oz $4.89 $.31/oz SUDS-4Nut Cracker Winter Warmer Ale 7.8% ABV Boulevard Brewing Company Kansas City, MO