
629: Optimize & Automate Solar Development with PVcase, the next Solar SaaS Unicorn



On Today's Episode: Let’s be honest, the rapidly accelerating demand for clean, renewable energy has outpaced the development and implementation processes in the solar sector. As the queue for interconnection lengthens and the need for efficiency grows, utility-scale solar developers face mounting challenges. From the scarcity of skilled engineers and designers to bottlenecks in site selection and grid optimization, the sector has long been in need of innovation to streamline these complex processes and reduce human errors.David Trainavicius, founder and CEO of PVcase, and Jake Anderson, Head of Business of Anderson Optimization (recently acquired by PVcase) are at the forefront of this transformation. Specializing in automating the tedious engineering and site selection processes, their combined expertise aims to simplify, and shorten, the solar development cycle. David’s extensive experience as a solar consultant for over 100 companies gives him unique familiarity with the utility-scale sector's c