Larry Williams Drive

Andrew Dickens: As the polls fall, more cracks will appear in Labour's facade



Well, surprise surprise, it seems the Queen of kind is not so nice after all. Estranged MP Louisa Wall mounted a media offensive over the weekend, speaking out on her resignation from the Labour Party and appointment to a cushy ambassadorial style job that was created just for her. At the weekend, Luisa Wall told media that as long as Jacinda Ardern is leader she would never be appointed to cabinet or have influence. She told Jack Tame that she fell out with the party's leadership and felt that she wasn't welcome in the caucus. Today Jacinda Ardern said she was offered a good list position and she was indeed in the caucus. Until she wasn't, of course. Jacinda Ardern also said that as leader of a parliamentary party it is important to have an inclusive and united team. So, from this we can take it that Louisa was not considered a team player and so was firstly depowered and then ignored. The reasons that the leadership and Ms Wall fell out are between them but it appears to date right back to the time that Dav