Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: Auckland Airport cares about shareholders over customers



It’s been an entertaining week of listening to Mike Hosking railing against Auckland Airport.When he gets on a roll, the tsunami of verbiage is something to behold as Adrian Littlewood the CEO found out when he showed up to defend his company.  The trick with Mike is to start talking and never stop or else he’s in like a robber’s dog.Now I don’t have too much beef with the airport but that might be because I rarely travel overseas. But it is fair to say that the most recent time I was at the airport I was amazed that the whole thing was in such a state of disrepair and it seems permanently in a state of reconstruction.It smacks to me of a programme of renovation that was always too late and too little.READ MORE:Mike's Minute: Auckland Airport an embarrassmentAuckland Airport defends itself from criticismAirlines come out against Auckland AirportNow the airport admits the extraordinary growth in tourist numbers has caught them a little short.  But they’re countering that with a $2 billion reconstruction that w