Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: Fair pay a subjective thing



There are some mornings when I step outside myself and look around my town and wonder at how busy and interconnected it is. This morning was one of those mornings.I headed out just after seven to get a warrant of fitness. I stopped off at the local café to get a coffee.  The barista was already busy and gave me a cheery good morning.  At the testing station a mechanic also said good morning and got cracking on without delay.  The woman at the counter had seen my number plate and had already started the paperwork before I walked in the door.Waiting for the car a man was mowing the berm. Some service station workers were busy and then I saw a man with three medicine balls walking into the gym equipment store across the road.Everybody busy working alone yet the result was keeping the whole town moving forward in their own little way.The way the machine works always blows my mind but today I looked with different eyes as I wondered whether each of these people beavering away were being paid fairly for what they d