Andrew Dickens Afternoons

Andrew Dickens: Unpredictable politics totally predictable



A big weekend of politics both internationally and locally.Of course, the performance of Donald Trump at the G7 got many people exercised. But none of his shenanigans should have surprised anyone. Donald Trump plays to his support base first in all things so to be so blatantly protectionist went down very well in the United States.To criticise Trump is to antagonise his supporters, so to say his attitude was overly aggressive and his threat of automobile tariffs was excessive and possibly damaging for the American economy as well as the Canadian draws complaints that you’re a liberal snowflake with no idea. But that is a very real consequence of the Presidents hardball play.For all the comments that Donald Trump is unpredictable, everything he has done has been predictable as he fulfils his election pledges. I’m only concerned as to whether they will work and in that regard I am undecided and I guess we will just have to wait and see.Some have said his tough line towards Canada while withdrawing his signature