Activist Radio: The Mark Harrington Show

Human Faces: The Difference Between Looking and Seeing



Keturah Dumaine, Eastern Executive Assistant for the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform (CCBR) is my guest on today’s episode where I provide a summary as to why the use of abortion victim photography is critical to ending abortion. Human faces matter. Our faces are a gift. The human face changes our perception of injustice from indifference to compassion. The human face is what makes a person personal. It is the difference between looking and seeing. Dr. Monica Miller says, "If the primary purpose of abortion victim photography is to reveal the tragedy of abortion, then the most effective photos will focus on the humanity of the victim." Abortion workers need physical or psychological distance from the victims, and especially from their human faces. To kill, abortionists must avoid seeing the face; to end the killing, the human faces of the victims must be seen.   CCBR’s website:   Recently, CCBR adopted photos of the faces of abortion victims that have never been seen on