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Amalie Jahn Joins Win's women of wisdom Author of The Clay Lion



On Win's Women of Wisdom today, Best-Selling Author, Win Kelly Charles welcomes Amalie Jahn. Undeterred by fickle teenage boys, Amalie won her first literary award in seventh grade for a fictional short story about a girl struggling with accident-induced hearing loss. She's been writing ever since.After briefly setting aside the creative writing of her youth to pursue a career in education, she found that creating lesson plans for her elementary school students cultivated a desire to write for young adults. However, it would be many years before her first full-length YA novel, The Clay Lion, written as a tribute to a pair of siblings who were close to her heart, would eventually be published.The Clay Lion's best-selling March 2013 release was followed by the publication of Tin Men and A Straw Man, the second and third books in the critically-acclaimed series. Among the Shrouded is the first in a series of novels exploring real-world issues under the umbrella of paranormal suspense, and Amalie i