Risen Church Nc

Back to School: Holy Ground - Joshua 1



Have you ever had to fill a role occupied by someone else... someone that was particularly lauded and celebrated for their accomplishments and success? If you have, you probably faced that obligation with all sorts of emotions. The pressure of expectations, comparison, and opinions are enough to cause us to stumble before we even get started. Truth be told, it's almost impossible to fill someone else's shoes and even more difficult to attempt to walk in their shoes. If you've ever faced this kind of scenario, then you have an idea of what Joshua was dealing with when tapped to take Moses' place as Israel's leader. Just the thought of losing Moses, sent the entire nation into a state of mourning. After his passing, entering the Promised Land became an afterthought, as all the people stood still, numb and overcome by his death. How was Joshua ever going to gain their approval? How would he ever fill Moses' shoes? In this message, we hear God confront Joshua amidst his fear and anxiety, and put on repeat an