Chats With Susan Burrell

The Burnout of Caregivers



Ep#242 - The Burnout of Caregivers, An Interview with author, David Schenck. This Empowering Chat is spot on for this month’s theme of “society” particularly after what we have all been through with the pandemic and the stress this puts on our healthcare system and our health providers. I am honored to introduce author David Schenck. His book is called, “Into the Field of Suffering: Finding the other side of Burnout.” In this interview we discuss the depleting challenges many of our health care workers have experienced in the workplace, particularly over the last 3 plus years during and since the pandemic. David’s book has a no-nonsense approach that is easy to follow. He and his co-author Scott Neely interviewed not just caregivers, but doctors, nurses, and others in the healing professions, including hospice providers. And many of those interviews can be found in the book. David also introduces ethics into this work when dealing with burnout. According to David, healing is touching people on many different