Geek Street Radio Network

G.N.O.D Townhall: Anime vs American Cartoons Part 1 of 3: Story



Since the beginning of time, there has been one debate that echoed thru the halls of every nerd, geek, otaku and dork. Which is better... Let's introduce the competitors, first, hailing from the land of the rising sun Japan. Giving us epileptic shock from awesome attack. Super kawaii desuuuuuuuuuuuu ANIME! And it's opponent, from the land of the free,the home of the brave. The Saturday Morning Cerebral Assassain! The Bald Eagle of animatiooooooooooooooooooooon American Cartoons! The stage is set and combatants are ready! Let's get ready to Battleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Don't forget to leave us a comment below and check us out at