St Louis Realtor Podcast

Ep. 62 Serial Squatters with Jeff and Shelly Coffman of



In this episode,  Realtor Adam Kruse and  Realtor Shannon St. Pierre talk to Jeff and Shelly Coffman of about their recent problem with professional squatters and the nightmare they put Jeff and Shelly through.   In 2019 Jordan Harris and Barbarita Jimmerson took over Jeff and Shelly’s Hazelwood, Missouri rehab until  KMOV investigative reporter Chris Nagus got involved and exposed Jordan and Barbarita on television. Find out just how manipulative these squatters were and how they got away with doing the same thing to at least 16 other property owners.    If you have been defrauded by Jordan Harris or Barbarita Jimmerson, contact John Shields at the Missouri Attorney General’s Office at 314-340-3417.    DISCLAIMER: IN THIS EPISODE THERE ARE A LOT OF LEGALITIES DISCUSSED. WE ARE NOT ATTORNEYS. CONSULT YOUR OWN ATTORNEY TO VERIFY ANYTHING DISCUSSED IN THIS EPISODE.   Email questions to Adam Kruse- Shannon St