Risen Church Nc

Back to School: I Am Not, But He Is - Exodus 3



Have you ever been given an assignment that immediately made you feel inadequate? We've all been in those classrooms or meeting rooms where someone asked us to do something that felt way beyond our skillset. In real life, we've all stepped into challenging seasons and circumstances that made us doubt if we could endure any or all of it. However, at the core of our doubts and fears isn't an inability or a lack of resources. Usually, what's really holding us back is a lack of confidence. We may feel like we don't have it in us, but truth be told, we just need more confidence. In this message, we look at the story of Moses and see how God came to him at his lowest and weakest and called him into the most incredible work. Moses resisted and made countless excuses, but God wouldn't take "no" for an answer. Likewise, life often doesn't accept our "no's" and our excuses don't remove our burdens and callings. We need more than faith to step up and step out; we need confidence. Listen as Moses receives a revel