Core Education

LEARNZ Kōkako podcast 1 of 3



The following questions from schools are answered in this podcast: 1. When and where do the kōkako sleep? 2. If you release kōkako chicks, do the adult birds try to hurt them or do they adopt them? 3. How many and what sort of predators were there before they took the kōkako off and how many birds did they take away from Pirongia? 4. How many kōkako are you hoping to find and how will you find them, what methods do you use to track? 5. We saw different coloured bands on the kōkakos’ legs. What do the different colours mean and how do you monitor them? 6. Have you used this method of translocation on any other species of bird, did it work? 7. We saw an image of a kōkako on a hinau tree and read about them eating the big berries from the tawa tree. What other trees and parts of trees do they eat? 8. When you are relocating birds from one area to another, how do you make sure that the bird you are taking in is healthy even if it looks healthy? 9. What is the mist net made out of and how do you make sure the bird