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TMHS 715: How To Fix Your “Bad” Genes & Why The Healthcare Industry Is Bankrupting Americans - With Kashif Khan



There’s a pervasive myth surrounding chronic illnesses. Far too many folks have fallen victim to the disempowering idea that our genes dictate our health outcomes. While variants of certain genes can be a risk factor for developing some conditions, genes alone cannot cause disease. The most important factor in determining your health is the choices that you make on a daily basis, because genetic expression is directly impacted by environmental factors like diet, stress, toxic load, and sleep. Today’s guest, Kashif Khan, is the CEO and founder of The DNA Company and the author of The DNA Way. His work is dedicated to helping folks utilize functional genomics, using insights about their personal genome to optimize their health. In this interview, you’re going to hear the fascinating science on how to prevent disease and age healthfully through lifestyle choices. You’ll learn the underlying principles of functional genomics, and lifestyle changes you can implement to improve your genetic expression and overall q