Buddha Magic

A Ramakien Tale Episode 5 - Triburam Yaksa



Triburam Yaksa, the ruler of Solasa City, builds a fire to perform Poojah to Pra Isworn (Lord Shiva). The Poojah is to attract the attention of the God Shiva, in order tyo Beseech the Blessing of Invincibility, and that Even Pra Narai cold not ever kill him - this was a secret plan, in order to secretly defeat Pra Narai Vishnu Avatar, whom he both feared and hated. Pra Isworn bestows the blessing with the command that Triburam must promise to not abuse the power. Triburam breaks his promise, and is punished by Pra Isworn, after a failed attempt to kill Triburam using Mount Kailash as a bow, Pra Narai (Vishnu Avatar) as the arrow, and Paya Nak (The Naga King) as the string of the bow, to shoot at triburam. Triburam was invincible even by the hand of Pra Narai, and so Shiva used his blazing fire eye, to burn Triburam, and his armies of Yaksa, to cinders.