
623: Solar's Dirty Little Secret: How Yezin Taha and Nevados Engineering Are Changing the Landscape



On Today's Episode: The solar energy industry is facing an increasingly pressing challenge: the scarcity of usable flat land. As the demand for solar energy grows, suitable areas for traditional solar trackers and arrays are becoming limited. The situation is complicated by the costs and environmental impact of grading land to create flat surfaces for installation. This process, often referred to as solar's "dirty little secret," is not only expensive but also poses significant environmental and post-construction issues. The industry is now compelled to find innovative approaches to adapt solar technology to uneven and non-flat terrains.Yezin Taha, the CEO of Nevados Engineering, is at the forefront of addressing this complex problem. With a background in engineering and a pioneering spirit, he has led Nevados in developing a revolutionary method to install solar panels on uneven terrain. The company's unique approach eliminates the need for grading land, reducing both financial and environmental bu