
Episode 6: Lord of the Television: Fellowship of the Geek! pt1



Today we sit down and talk about event television. How did LOST landscape television for the geek? What about Buffy? Now it seems with the introduction of the fan girl, the Geek and Nerd is the in-thing. It's finally COOL to be who you are, would have thunk it!? Join us on our journey through TV Land! Where we touch on some Marvel TV as well!!! CW's new sure-to-be-a-hit ARROW (without super-powers! Can DC catch up to Marvel's cinematic universe? Should the comic universe's, the cartoon universe's and movie universe all be tied together~!? we also delve into the comic book art form again with both Marvel and DC trying to cross-pollinate their properties, bringing movie viewers to the comic book medium! Then keep on keepin on as we talk about Vamps and ghouls, demons and whores... uhm... yeah!