International Christian Church Sermons

Before crossing the threshold



Joshua 5 illustrates the significance of preparation, remembrance, and surrender as the Israelites stood on the threshold of God's promises. As we, too, face various thresholds in our lives, let us learn from their example by fully committing ourselves to God's covenant, remembering His faithfulness, celebrating His redemption, trusting in His provision, and surrendering to His authority. By doing so, we can confidently navigate through life's challenges and embrace the abundant blessings God has in store for us. Takeaway: 1. Instead of rushing to conquer and possess your promises, take time to Pause and reflect (rest, revaluate and restore) 2. Focus on renewing your relationship with God. Ask honest questions, How strong is my relationship with God compared to last week? 3. Change our mindset from a hand to mouth mentality to sowing and reaping. Search for God’s presence and encounter before taking a step forward. Live streaming Copyright License #20714391