Trans Resister Radio

Talking Shop with Chuck and Chris Graves, AoT#392



Chuck, Chris Graves and Aaron discuss podcast production, and news at the Ochelli Radio Network. This gig isn’t as economical as it once was, and it isn’t even the gig economy, or is it? We may have missed that when it happened.  Topics include: Ochelli Radio Network, broken microphone, using the knobs, audio equipment, dollar store microphone, Disney video game microphone, promo products made in Asian countries, polka dot design idea, new Uncle IG videos, new shows coming to network, Chris Graves, guests charging appearance fees, Stuttering John, Sgt Slaughter, RFK Jr speaking fee, Dallas JFK conference trip, big budget podcast producers, over-saturation of podcast market, Cameo show bumpers, Jerky Boys, Captain Janx