The Vedic World View

India - The Cradle of Civilization



Few countries match India for its vast variety of people, cultures, languages, and of course, styles of cuisine.While most of us appreciate different aspects of this vast and colorful nation, few of us have a worthy appreciation of the role India has played in shaping civilizations outside of India. Many languages have an ancestral relationship with Sanskrit, the original spoken language of India. Vedic astrologers were centuries ahead of their European counterparts when it came to understanding the movement of celestial objects. India played a pivotal role in shaping the way we use numbers, being among the first (if not the first) to introduce zero as a number. And many modern myths and legends can be traced back to Vedic literature.While it would take multiple series of documentaries to celebrate the ancient Indian influence on modern life, in this episode Thom celebrates the most crucial contribution India has made, and preserved, over the centuries. It’s an influence that continues to play a crucial role