Maine Historical Society - Programs Podcast

Evangeline Reconsidered



Recorded February 22, 2023 - When Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie, he helped to shine a light on and memorialize an all but forgotten event of historic significance, Le Grand Dérangement—the forced expulsion of Acadians from Nova Scotia. The poem brought recognition for a unique ethnic group and gave the world an enigmatic icon, Evangeline. History, fiction, pride, and poetry have since blended together with each generation. But the universal tenets embodied by Evangeline—love, perseverance, and hope, continue to resonate with people from all walks of life. Veni Harlan, author of Evangeline Reconsidered, discussed her carefully researched book that explores the roots, legends, history, and impact of Longfellow's 1847 poem. Purchase the book