Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

How To Surrender To The In-Between Time And Space



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Have you been experiencing an in-between time to surrender to? Where life isn’t quite giving you the thing you are accustomed to, and you are having to surrender to the space and time that you are being given and shown? This week I have noticed how simple life can be. I am in an in-between space with many of my projects. The ones that are coming are not breaking the surface yet, not ready to be viewed or shown to my clients or the world at large. The services and classes that I used to teach are no longer lighting me up (or my clients either) and I feel less inclined to offer them. I am deeply aware of surrender and also, the gap or in-between times. I can see a theme of these showing up in my life just as I was gestating a quantum leap for myself that I have been asking for. In this live event I am going to show you: How to identify your “thing” that you will need to surrender. How to start to develop non-attachment so you can let go. How to soften into your in-betwee