Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

How To Forgive And Not Forget ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Have you been told to forgive and forget and tried it, experiencing more abuse rather than less? I have a new perspective, what if we forgive and not forget, which allows awareness of the transgressions and lets go of the guilt and sting that can get caught in your cellular structure? This week I noticed that I was dissecting my relationships that have been abusive to me at a soul level and discovered that a new level of transformation and transmutation is opening up to me. So much so that I want to share it with you! I am so thrilled with these new awarenesses and know in my bones that forgetting those who required us to forgive them, is a route to even more of these type of relationships. In this Live Event we will: Laugh.. It is my primary transmutation method. We will not be taking this seriously… if you need serious, you are not my person to help. Simplify.. I am told I am clear and direct in my facilitation, even on the stickiest of topics. Practical’ify.. If it’