Hit The Mic With The Stacey Harris

3 Ways To Improve Your Sound Without Upgrading Your Mic



We're going to talk about sound quality today, and I'm going to work really hard in not being nerdy. Wish me luck. I want to talk about this because so, so, so often I can on calls with clients or I get questions in my DMs or in my inbox around sound quality and microphone, meaning my quality needs to improve, what mic should I buy? The question should instead be how can podcasters improve sound quality WITHOUT buying a new mic (even if it's what we'd rather do)? Even the best quality mic can leave a little bit to be desired if we're not taking some extra steps. And I think that oftentimes what impacts our sound quality the most has very little to do with the actual microphone. None of the ways I'm sharing today are editing techniques. These 3 ways of improving sound quality are things you will do in the recording process. The bad sound quality in is bad sound quality out. There's only so much you can do in editing to improve the sound. You have to, have to, have to, ha