Hit The Mic With The Stacey Harris

How an End of the Year Podcast Review Positions Your Show for More Success



It’s almost time to turn the page to a new year! Do you have a vision for your podcast in 2023? As you reflect back on your personal goals (and old New Year’s resolutions that did or didn’t pan out), now’s the time to review your podcast too. In this episode, I talk about doing a podcast audit and how looking back on what’s been can help you create a vision for where you want your show to be in 2023. 3:54 - The first logistical thing you need to check that’ll give you the best reach 6:05 - The second logistical thing to consider when you do a podcast audit 8:09 - Your data trends: when do these three things happen? 11:53 - A trend I see every year with this show and most of my clients’ podcasts 13:57 - How you’re going to use your show’s data trends 17:10 - Another decision a podcast review can help you with at the end of the year   Mentioned In  Apply for a Podcast Audit with Stacey EP543: “Using Your Podcast As a Sales Tool with Racheal Cook” Podcast Housekeeping Series: “How to Craft the Perfect Podcast