Hit The Mic With The Stacey Harris

Quick Update



It's Wednesday, and much later than this usually lands in your feed, so where exactly is your new episode? Well, it's coming... next week. I decided after doing a final review of this month's audit on The Podcast Newsroom that you really needed to hear THAT episode this week, so we changed the plans. I want to be super transparent, and that's why I'm sharing this... it's not just OK to change the plan, it's inevitable. Sometimes the plan NEEDS changing, like this week. I want you to hear my conversation with Diann during this podcast audit because it's an extension of last week's conversation where we discussed episode types. ​ ​In my conversation with Diann, we get into a really good example of the difference between strategy and tactic and how knowing the larger strategic goal of the episode is going to impact your tactics. We also talk through some things Diann did VERY well in this episode, it's important that we share what "good" looks like,