Sharon Vornholt - Let's Talk Real Estate Investing

Following Up After the Seller Says No



Do you have a system for following up after the seller says no to your offer? As many as 80% of your deals will likely come from follow-up. You know what they say; “The fortune is in the follow-up”. In this show, we will go over some of the ways you can set up follow-up systems. I will also tell you what two of my favorite follow-up ways are that you can use in your own business.   [00:01 - 04:18] Opening Segment • How to follow up after the seller says no • Understand the seller's motivation to solve their problem Focus on how you can solve the seller's most pressing problem • Nos are not final and complete nos   [04:19 - 08:42] Follow-Up is Key to Success • 80% of deals come from consistent follow-up • Stay top of mind so sellers remember you when they change their mind • Direct mail should be sent out every month If asked, take them off the list to avoid aggravation   [08:43 - 13:23] Following Up After a Rejected Offer • 80% of Americans don't answer the phone when an unknown caller calls • 95% of