
#371 – The Élan Collective



The Élan Collective is a tenacious band of newly-minted theatre artists figuring out how to make art in a post-pandemic world, where the wobbly uncertainties of isolation and virtual distancing now have direct impact on their identities as artists in a live-performance medium. The collective lives to create theatre with momentum. Art that drives change and affects hearts and minds. Élan is the going, launch, setting in motion, or momentum. It's that moment when you finally DO launch yourself off the dock and into the cold lake. Jeannette Lambermont-Morey has directed for theatres across Canada and the United States, from the Stratford Festival (8 seasons), to the Virginia Stage Company (twice); including such theatres as The Citadel (Edmonton), The Great Canadian Theatre Company (Ottawa), Atlantic Theatre Festival (Nova Scotia), Manitoba Theatre Centre (Winnipeg), Festival Players (Prince Edward County), Theatre Aquarius (Hamilton), the Thousand Islands Playhouse (Gananoque), Talk is Free Theatre and Theatre