Planned Solutions

Q2 Earnings Season Understanding Money Markets



In this episode of the Planned Solutions Incorporated Podcast, The S& P 500 earnings season is right around the corner. This could be a key earnings season for the stock market following the sharp rebound in earnings reported in the first quarter. Should earnings continue to rebound, and possibly exceed their peak from the fourth quarter of 2021, it may support the stock market rally that began in October 2021. The key sectors will likely be financials and technology given their large contributions to S& P 500 earnings. Also, All money market accounts are not equivalent to each other. This is especially true when comparing bank money market deposit accounts with investment money market funds. For example, bank money market accounts are typically FDIC insured whereas investment money market funds are not. This does create an additional risk that savers should be aware of when choosing where to hold their savings. And, Higher mortgage rates have made homeownership less affordable in the US. However, despite a