Life Center Tacoma

The Time Has Come | Pastor Jeff Davis| Life Center Tacoma



The Time Has Come | Pastor Jeff Davis | Life Center Tacoma Big Idea: Jesus leads you to live a life of humility John 13:1 (CSB) John 12:27 (CSB) John 17:4 (CSB) John 13:2-3 (CSB) Humility needs no introduction Matthew 23:5a (CSB) John 13:4-5 (CSB) Luke 22:24 (CSB) Humility involves both giving and receiving John 13:6-10 (CSB) 1 John 1:8-9 (CSB) Humility is given freely and to everyone John 13:11 (CSB) 1 Peter 5:5b (CSB) "To Jesus followers, love isn’t a recommendation. Love is a mandate. A church that doesn’t love ceases to be a church – because its purpose is to reveal and embody the love of God to the world. We don’t settle for only loving others in the church well (though this is required and the path toward unity). We understand that we are called to love the world well. This is why we believe in the mission of Jesus– both local and global. Imagine loving a city so well that there is no other answer except: Jesus must be real. Let’s make that happen." -The Life Center Little Book of Missio