Spark Cast

Stewards of Eden: What the Bible Says About Creation Care w/Sandra Richter



Our worsening ecological crisis is wreaking havoc all over the world and is increasingly threatening the viability of life on this planet. But while this continued degradation of pollution and extraction is advanced through political policies and social practices, the root problem is truly a philosophical and spiritual deficiency. For many Christians, at the core are the beliefs that humans are separate from nature, that we are to have “dominion” over the world, that we are to subdue nature to our will and control, that the elements of this planet are a commodity to be used for all that we think that it’s worth, and that the ultimate focus of spiritual faith is the afterlife, the destination of heaven, and the salvation of our souls. What is profoundly tragic is that this view of faith is antithetical to what is actually taught in the biblical texts. From Genesis through Revelation, the Bible asserts that the redemption of all of creation is central to its good news, and that teaching is woven through the na