The Vedic World View

Trust vs Certainty



How much trust did you have that the sun would rise this morning? And even if it was hidden by clouds, did you still trust that it was there?Unless you live near one of the polar caps, where you can go for months without seeing the sun, no doubt you had enough certainty that you didn’t need to apply any trust at all. You were certain it was going to rise and can be certain it will rise again tomorrow.Much of the stress in our lives is caused by uncertainty, which we smooth over by applying trust or faith to a situation or to a person, but that’s an approach that leaves us exposed to outside influences.In this episode, Thom shares a sure-fire approach to dial up the certainty in our lives and to make us resilient to the uncertainty that we need to keep life interesting.We are certain you’ll enjoy this episode :-). Episode Highlights[01:02] Object-referral Way of Looking at the World[03:31] Problem Means Problem Consciousness[05:10] No More Problem[06:01] Self-referral Consciousness Commences with Vedic Meditat