The Vedic World View

Punya - How to Increase Your Deserving Power



Good fortune is often seen as some kind of cosmic reward for good behavior. “If I do good things, then good things will happen to me.” This has actually evolved as a misunderstanding of the concept of karma.Rather than being a reward, the Vedic position on good fortune is that it is actually a result. More specifically, it’s a result of enhanced consciousness, brought about by the removal of stresses that prevent us from seeing the most evolutionary opportunities available to us.Thom explains this in more detail in this episode, in which he clarifies the meaning of punya, or deserving power, and he explains the path to maximizing your punya.Episode Highlights:[00:45] What is Deserving Power?[02:38] How Our State of Consciousness Shapes Reality[04:49] Who Am I Really?[06:37] The Power of Pure Consciousness: Embracing the Unmanifest[08:32] Transcendence and Truth: The Key to Understanding Self[10:30] Punya: Finding Your True Self[12:25] How to Get 90% Punya[14:27] Authenticity in the Age of Social Media[16:12]