Once Upon A Captain Swan Podcast

Episode 1: "Breaking wind always comes with a price, dearie." (Fairy Tales 4)



This is our premiere episode of the OUACS Podcast! Warning: This podcast may contain strong language and mature themes. Also we are first and foremost Captain Swan shippers. If you don't ship CS we recommend you don't press play. RB and SQ shippers are advised to avoid this podcast. Here's a little rundown of what you'll hear throughout this episode: - We talk about how we got into OUAT and when we first started shipping Captain Swan - We discuss the Fairy Tales 4 convention in Paris and give our own personal experiences at the con - We get sidetracked by season 5 frustrations and our lingering anger over the season 4 midseason finale - We rant about fan etiquette at conventions - We get really excited for the Vancouver convention - We vent about Rumbelle and Belle's treatment - We give some CS fanfic recommendations - We gush over Colin O'Donoghue... like a whole lot Please excuse any audio glitches as this was our first time recording and we are all newcomers to the podcast world. We hope