John Clay Wolfe Show

#408 John Clay Wolfe Show 07.01.23



Hey--where is everybody?! Oh, yeah...a lot of our friends and neighbors have taken a rare opportunity to observe a five day 4th of July holiday weekend, right? But we (and probably a lot of you) are still here holding down the fort, waiting our turn to bask in the joy of hot dogs, cold beer and firecrackers. But we've a great bit of fun to share with you before you get your punks lit! Grab a lawn chair and let us fill you in on the latest sports, news and world politics, music, and more--plus our old friends Juan Solo, the World's Biggest SOB, and the Devil himself. PLUS, John and Gigi thrash out their version of a grand compromise regarding the end of Affirmative Action in college enrollment, JD and Bobbo share some huge laughs with old-timey local TV commercials...and, we came up with a whole list of new 'Uranus Jokes' just for you, our friends. So don't go anywhere--PreKay should be back from the firework stand with the goodies any time! Happy Independence Day y'all.