Creative Warriors

885: Stacy Ennis – Location Independence: Finding Adventure and Creating a Sense of Belonging



What's the number one reason anyone becomes self-employed? Freedom. Independence. Is it possible for everyone to work and live anywhere they choose in the world? Maybe not, but it may be more possible for you than you think. Today I speak with Stacy Ennis about the importance of location independence as she shares her personal journey of moving around the globe, starting in Idaho and ending in Portugal.  Stacy emphasizes the importance of aligning your business decisions with your desired lifestyle and making incremental changes to gain more independence and flexibility. This conversation is essential for those seeking belonging, community, and the freedom to choose their own path.   Stacy Ennis is a best-selling author, coach, and speaker on a mission to help leaders clarify their ideas and harness their unique story to make an impact. Along with being the founder of Nonfiction Book School, an accelerated author program, her background includes ghostwriting for a Nobel Prize winner in medicine and leading