Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

July Energy is Calling us to STEP UP on New Levels



Embrace Your Highest Potential | July Energy Forecast Are you ready to step into something new, something brighter? As we bid farewell to the energy of June and the solstice portal, July beckons us to embrace higher levels and unlock our true potential. On this transformative journey get ready to shed old baggage, just like a hot air balloon releasing sandbags to soar higher into the sky. In this video, I delve into the concept of stepping up and explore the gradual process of personal growth. Discover the weight you've been carrying unknowingly and explore the power of release. What needs to be let go? What burdens have you become accustomed to? Ask yourself these profound questions and allow the answers to unfold before you. Explore the numerological significance of 7. Prepare to open the door to new opportunities and miracles in your life. I also delve into the astrological events of July, including the Super Full Moon in Capricorn, the 7/7 doorway leading to the lions gate 8/8 portal in August, the