The Entrepreneur's Solution: Business Tips | Wealth | Lifestyle | Entrepreneur | Success

TES 008 - Find Your Distinction Through Your Strengths



— Summary —In this episode, we continue our discussion of the key decisions you need to make as an entrepreneur. Specifically in this episode we explore how to gain market distinction through your core strengths.Of the three phases of business and product life framework, the first stage of the Think Up phase is the Decide stage and it comes before Idea. In this episode, we dive a bit deeper in the decisions you need to make as an entrepreneur.  We dig into the decide stage which relates to the concept of core strengths.This concept of core strengths deals with three factors:What are your Abilities?What are your Interests?How to connect these with the Market Needs that you're going to serve?If you look at these three as a circle or Venn diagram:The intersection between the abilities and the interests is where your passion lies.The intersection between the abilities and the needs is where the solution lies.The intersection between the needs and the interests is where your potential lies.The intersection be