The Entrepreneur's Solution: Business Tips | Wealth | Lifestyle | Entrepreneur | Success

TES 011 - Blow Through the Obstacles in Your Path



In this episode, Mel Abraham continue our journey down the three phases of business life by digging further into Stage 1 of Phase 1 which is the Decide stage. We talk about the obstacles and challenges that may come up and the ways to navigate them:1. Are you in the right business?The right business is the one that is driven by your passion and vision. It serves at a greater level helping people shift their lives, and get solutions for their problems.2. Financing: "I don't have the money to start a business".There are different ways to access funds like debt, bootstrapping, crowdfunding and angel funding. We need to think about our capital requirements, costs as well as the legal costs.3. I have a hard time finding customers.To find the right customers you have to create loyalty, connection and relationships. Deliver customer promise by connecting with them at an emotional level. Know where your customers hang out, communicate and understand what they are looking for. 4. When do I quit my day j