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TES 012 - Create An Elegant Solution & Stand Out



In this episode, Mel Abraham talk about how to create an elegant solution for your customers and your market. An elegant solution is the simplest way to get the greatest impact. It should be something that can withstand time and get the attention of the marketplace. It's the "Aha!" solution.An elegant solution will serve your market at three levels:Level 1: Dealing with the known and spoken problems.These are the things that are commonly known and talked about. Even though everyone is talking about it, we need to come up with a solution.Level 2: Dealing with the known and unspoken problems.These are the things that are not commonly talked about. It takes work, research and understanding to get to the bottom of this.Level 3: Dealing with the unknown and unspoken problems.These are the things that aren't even thought about. People aren't simply aware of these problems but they are coming at them.Concept of IDEA LoopsIDEA loops are used to constantly refine products and services. There a