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TES 054 - How to Grow Your Coaching or Expert Business



In this episode, #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham talks about the concept of leveraging and scaling a Thoughtpreneur business which is about sharing knowledge and ideas in the marketplace to have an impact and make money while doing it.The Practice SpectrumIt determines the level of involvement/process and access to intellectual property that you have. Your expert business might fall in one or more of these categories:1 to 1: You share your packaged thoughts on a singular basis as a coach or a trainer.1 to Many: You have a bit more process when you deliver 1 to many in the form of live events or webinars.1 to Few: You deliver in small groups and they have more access to the knowledge.Many to Many: Train people to do what you do; certify and license them to deliver your expertise.Scaling & Leveraging a PracticeModelsTime: A traditional model where we sell our limited hours for financial returns.Product: To get over time limitations, you take what yo