Creative Warriors

884: Michael Bungay Stanier – How to Build the Best Possible Working Relationships



Being such freedom-seekers, self-employed business owners often aren't prepared to be an employer, but we can find ourselves in that role whether we're prepared for it or not. This is a case of what works for you: your independent thinking can also work against you having to get along with others, whether it's employees, contractors, or clients. On today’s episode, I speak with Michael Bungay Stanier about strategies for building working relationships that provide freedom rather than feeling like bondage. When bad working relationships can negatively impact our ability to show up as our best selves, what tools can we use to shape the best possible relationship together? Michael introduces us to the five questions we need to ask in our keystone conversation with anyone we are entering a working relationship with. Every relationship has potential, and we need to be intentional in building them. Join us to learn how to overcome the challenges of being a self-employed business owner and build successful working