Flashback Twin Cities

Rick Shefchik (author)



Rick Shefchik is an American novelist, nonfiction writer, and journalist. He is the author of the novels Amen Corner, published in 2007, Green Monster, published August 1, 2008, Frozen Tundra, published in 2010 by North Star Press and Rather See You Dead, e-published in 2011. In 2012, he released his first nonfiction, From Fields to Fairways: Classic Golf Clubs of Minnesota. In 2015, he released Everybody's Heard About the Bird: The True Story of 1960s Rock 'n' Roll in Minnesota. (University of Minnesota Press). Rick has an extensive history publishing books about Minnesotan history. Tune in as we talk about his career and what he's come to appreciate about our great state. March 15, 2014