Weekly Sanga

Japa and Prayer School – June 17, 2023



Śrīla Dhanurdhara Swami continues his Japa and Prayer School classes. In today's class: Padyāvalī, verse 23 brahmāṇḍānāṁ koṭi-saṅkhyādhikānām aiśvaryaṁ yac cetanā vā yad aṁśaḥ āvirbhūtaṁ tan-mahaḥ kṛṣṇa-nāma tan me sādhyaṁ sādhanaṁ jīvanaṁ ca   TRANSLATION There are countless millions of universes and whatever glories they possess, whatever consciousness they possess, are all manifestations of a mere portion of the effulgence of the holy name of Krishna. This holy name is my spiritual practice; it is the goal of my spiritual practice. It is my life.